Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to Cut a Bell Pepper and Other Knife Skills

A couple of years ago H and I took a knife skills class at Cambridge Culinary Institute. It was a few hours long, on a Sunday afternoon, though they do have it on other days and evenings. We cut a lot of things during the class: oranges, lemons, onions, celery, potatoes, lettuce, herbs. We diced, sliced, julienned, and more. It was great and throughout the class, the Chef used the things we cut to make us a delicious meal. At the end of the night, we had pureed carrot and potato soup, french fries (omg so delicious), fresh tomato sauce with pasta, pineapple, and more that I can't recall right now.

The biggest thing I took away from that class was how to cut a red pepper. I can't believe I didn't know this trick. Basically, slice off the to and bottom, then cut a vertical slice on one side. Spread open the pepper s it's flat, get rid of the seeds and ribs, and there you have a flat rectangle to slice or dice. SO easy!

Here's a video I found on YouTube that shows this technique.


1 comment:

  1. Such a smart technique for cutting a pepper. I never thought to just pop out the stem like that. I also didn't know red peppers where green peppers that have been on the vine longer. You learn something new every day!
